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Career Services - Resources

Learn & Earn Internships

Prestera Center Logo

About Us:

Prestera Center impacts over 20,000 adults, children, and families across West Virginia each year and has been helping people lead happier, more fulfilling lives since 1967. We are the leading provider of quality supports and professional services for people with all kinds of behavioral health and substance abuse needs. We specialize in helping individuals who have a dual diagnosis, meaning many of the people we serve have both mental health and substance abuse needs. As a not-for-profit organization, Prestera Center offers care and services to everyone who needs it regardless of their ability to pay.


Job Openings:


Jessica Smith, Recruiter

(304) 525-7851 - Ext. 1010

Learn & Earn opportunities for HSRS major students. $15.00 per hour minimum that will work around your class schedule. Contact [email protected], (304) 205-6629, or visit the Career Services Suite in B2000 room 021 for questions or more information.



 Handshake Logo-red2


BridgeValley's official job posting board has switched to Handshake!



Handshake is now BridgeValley’s official job posting board, that allow students and Alumni to access multiple resources. Resumes can be uploaded and easily sent to vetted employers, and employers are able to search resumes for job openings/internships. Stay updated on Career Services events, schedule an appointment with a Career Services Specialist, and more.

Easy Registration!

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your BridgeValley email address
  3. Your request will be submitted for approval
  4. Once approved you will have access to BridgeValley's Handshake resources




Manpower Icon

Manpower is a full-service staffing and recruiting company that connects qualified applicants with regional employers throughout West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, and beyond. Career preparedness, resume tips, interview assistance, access to over 4,000 online classes for further education, and more are available to assist in landing the job.

Need a job now? Ready to start your career? Student and Alumni access for full and part-time employment are just a few clicks away!

Opt. in for this service by visiting or texting (304) 346-9617.



Gradcast Logo

GradCast helps graduating students and Alumni connect with employers that hire their specific skillset, with little to no experience required. Send your resume to potential employers, up to 1,000, and Career Services can assist with sending any resumes above the allotted amount.

Quick & easy sign-up:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your school email
  3. Click “Continue”
  4. You will receive an email to complete the sign-up process.


Learn and Earn Internships

Need experience for your resume? Does your select admission  program require experience for acceptance? Looking for a job with flexible hours and a minimum of $15 per hour?

The Learn and Earn program is sponsored by the West Virginia Community and Technical College System, and is part of the Workforce Development Initiative Program, allowing BridgeValley to partner with statewide employers to offer a paid internship opportunity.

• Flexible Schedule
• Minimum Wage of $15.00 hour
• Hands on experience in field

Interested in participating? Have questions?

Please contact [email protected]


Avoiding Fraudulent/Scam Job Postings

The Career Services Office at BridgeValley cares about our students' safety and their career success. We understand the effort you are devoting to your job search and future career.  Unfortunately, con artists and scammers will interfere by attempting to take your money or your personal information through fraudulent job postings.  These postings can be difficult to spot at first, so it is up to you to do your due diligence and to use good judgment.

Career Services at BridgeValley Community and Technical College hosts job postings and other opportunities to facilitate career-related interactions between students and employers.  While we make diligent efforts to curtail non-legitimate postings, it is impossible to ensure that every job posting is legitimate, and impossible to keep track of every employer and position after submission. It is your responsibility to thoroughly research information and options and take all necessary precautions in an effort to make informed employment decisions.  The Career Services Office follows principles set for by the National Association of College and Employers (NACE) and expects employers using its services to comply with EEO guidelines and adhere to the NACE Principles for Professional Practice for Employment Professionals in their employment practices

Because scammers are not concerned with behaving ethically or legally, here are some points to be aware that might help you avoid being scammed:

  • Requires an initial investment - Do not supply a potential employer with your credit card or banking account information.
  • Out of town/out of the country - An employer that sends you a check to deposit money in your account to buy supplies or make payments.  They commonly use the excuse that they are working abroad or out of town and need someone to manage things locally.
  • Too good to be true - Work your own hours, be a secret shopper, work for an a-list celebrity, or you can make $10,000 for one week of work.  These jobs often look like easy and convenient ways to make money with very little effort.  The old adage is accurate: If it looks too good to be true, then it probably isn't true!
  • Poorly written job postings - Typically, there will not be typos or poor grammar in a legitimate job posting.  Be very suspicious if you see either in a job posting.
  • High wages for no experience - Earn $100,000 in your first job out of college.  Again the idea is that scammers want to make you believe you were highly sought after to complete jobs anyone could do.  The truth is you will not make a lot of money without talent, experience, and specialized skills.
  • Work from home - There are legitimate 'work at home' jobs, but they are often difficult to find.  Do significant research and ask tough questions.
  • Send a photo - Please don't!
  • Bad website and/or no phone number - You search for a company you have never heard of before.  The first link is to Facebook or free website creator site.  It might look good, but the content does not appear correct.  You click on the 'contact us' and see no phone number.  These are all red flags of potential scams.
  • Recruiter has a @gmail/@hotmail/@live account - The posting appears to be from a reputable, family company, yet the email is from a free web-based service, use caution.  We suggest you check the open positions on the company's website to validate the position.
  • Interview at a restaurant - Legitimate organizations have offices. Be wary.

If you think you have been scammed:

  • Email [email protected] so we can review the position/employer.
  • If you did send money to a fraudulent employer, contact your bank or credit card company immediately to hold/close your accounts and dispute the charges.
  • If the incident occurred completely over the internet, you should file an incident report with the FTC or call 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357).

The Office of Career Services at BridgeValley Community & Technical College strives for open access and connections between students and employers. All hiring and compensation for work performed by employees are handled directly between the student/alumni job seeker and the employer. The Office of Career Services makes no representations or guarantees about positions listed on its website or presented at any job fair and is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment. It is the student/alumnus responsibility for all necessary precautions when interviewing for or accepting positions, and he/she is solely responsible for obtaining necessary information concerning the employer. Therefore, employers and students/alumni are encouraged to request reference information from each other as needed to establish qualifications, credentials, and overall fit between the employer and the applicant.

All job opportunities are posted at the discretion of the Office of Career Services. The OCS may deny and/or remove access rights for organizations that do not support the policies and procedures of BridgeValley Community and Technical College or that violate state and/or federal law.

The Office of Career Services abides by the principles set forth by NACE, The National Association of Colleges and Employers.